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Frequently Asked Questions

About Yoga

  • What are the health benefits of yoga?

    The body becomes stronger and more flexible – muscles and bones are strengthened and connective tissues are lengthened to create greater range and ease of mobility.

    Internal organs work more efficiently – fresh oxygenated blood is circulated, liver and kidneys are flushed and detoxed, the digestive system is encouraged to operate more optimally, the respiratory system is enhanced, the thyroid, lymphatic and immune systems are fortified and regulated, the heart and central nervous system are brought to a more comfortable, stable and harmonious level.

  • Outside of the physical aspect, what else does this mean for us?

    The mind calms and clears, inviting a more peaceful and joyful state.

    We experience an overall greater sense of wellbeing.

    As the natural system of energy centres and channels present in and around our body becomes free and flowing, we experience physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing, energising and balance.

    We are able to find comfort within both stillness and movement within our body, heart, soul and mind.

    We can choose to adopt these practices and integrate them into our daily lives, so that we can feel just as healthy and happy both on and off the mat!

    Our inner wisdom is sparked, fuelling our inspiration for intuitive, inspirational and transformational living.

     We connect deeper to our body and mind. Within this union, and away from our daily distractions, we allow ourselves to listen in on our voice of inner guidance, tuning in more fully to ourselves and how we work, what we need, and how to lead the happy and healthy life we desire, according to and embracing our unique gifts.

  • What if I am a beginner?

    There is a Yoga to suit any body and everybody…if curious, just come along and try the different styles out until you find yours. There is no pressure to be anything other than yourself – it’s 100% non-competitive, so you don’t need to be super-bendy, or wear anything in particular, and you don’t need to know any fancy names of postures. 

    Sakura Yoga and Wellbeing is about facilitating an opportunity for all to find supportive sanctuary in a space to stretch, strengthen, relax, re-energise, or release. Whatever your story, there is a place for you to find yourself, connection without judgement, greater happiness and the fulfilment of comfort and peace in body and mind. To walk, sit, stand, lie and move with greater ease, or to leave the space feeling less anxious, more resilient, self-confident, or motivated, to discover a renewed sense of possibility, or to learn a technique to manage challenging situations….all of these and more are within my mission to support individuals and groups within our local population. Everybody matters. You matter. We all do. And we all owe it to ourselves to be our best version. Together, I would really like to help us all achieve that.

    Wear loose or stretchy clothing, to move about in comfortably. Bring a bottle of water, and enjoy!

Online Classes

  • How should I prepare?

    Please prepare your space. Ideally with a Yoga or exercise mat, or if not, a non-slippery base- make sure you have some grip. Gather some props to recreate a Yoga studio environment, by using items, which act as a support. You might use a box-set of DVDs for example instead of a Yoga brick, or a belt or scarf instead of a Yoga strap. Have cushions of various shapes and sizes to hand, and one or more blankets. 

    Wear loose, comfortable clothing to move around and stretch in and take off your socks, ready to practise barefoot.

    Have a bottle of water to hand.

    Try to create an ambience without distraction, so that you can fully focus on your time and reap the maximum yogic benefits. For example, for Yin Yoga, dim the lights, light a candle and play soft peaceful music to invite calmness and clarity into your heart. For Ashtanga, play your funky rock music and strut your stuff to your hearts content in this dynamic moving practice. 

    Finally, do what feels right for you! This is always important in order to practise safely, but never more so than now– I don’t know what physical sensations you are experiencing, and I can only see a small version of you on a small screen….therefore you have the ability to connect in to yourself, observe yourself from within, and notice what is happening in every sense, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. With this in mind, adjust and move if you need to, rest and be still if you need to. There is no need to push or force into painful, harmful places. Use your breath and trust your deep intuition to practise safely and effectively for you, the unique individual.

  • What if I have any medical conditions or injuries?

    If you do have any medical health conditions or injuries, which you feel may affect your practice, please get in touch. There may be modifications to particular postures to be explored, or you may need to seek the advice of your GP or consultant. If in any doubt at all, please ask.


Please be aware that participation in any Yoga class is taken at your own risk, so do ensure that if practising, you choose the class which is right for you, you practise mindful of the range of movement within your own body and any potential restrictions in mobility you have, and if you’re not sure, please contact myself and/or a medical professional for advice.


I confirm that I am over the age of 16. I take these online classes at my own risk and I understand that they may be physically strenuous and I voluntarily participate in them with full knowledge that there is risk of personal injury or death. I also understand that the teachers in online classes cannot see me or guide me in my classes, I therefore take full responsibility for my actions during the class. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Sakura Yoga and Wellbeing shall not be liable in contract, tort, negligence, breach of statutory duty or otherwise for any loss, damage, costs or expenses of any nature whatsoever incurred or suffered by me, except in the case of death or personal injury caused by Sakura Yoga and Wellbeing’s negligence or fraud.

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